
Friday, December 27, 2024

Year Archives: 2024

Optimizing the speed of a Laravel 11 Project
LaravelLaravel 11Php

Optimizing the speed of a Laravel 11 Project

Guys Optimizing the speed of a Laravel 11 project can significantly improve user experience and search engine rankings. Here are some strategies to be consider: Guys if you are new in Laravel 11 the please check below link for Laravel basics information: Laravel 11 Basics Tutorial for beginners Upgrade PHP...

Laravel 11 with vuejs working demo project
LaravelLaravel 11Vue3VueJs

Laravel 11 with vuejs working demo project

Laravel 11, when combined with Vue.js, can provide a robust solution for developers looking to create interactive and modern web applications. Laravel serves as a powerful back-end framework that simplifies tasks like authentication, routing, sessions, and caching, while Vue.js enhances the front end with its reactive components. Laravel 11 with...

Creating a multilanguage demo in Laravel 11 with validation message
LaravelLaravel 11

Creating a multilanguage demo in Laravel 11 with validation message

Creating a multilanguage demo in Laravel 11 involves setting up localization to support multiple languages. Laravel makes it relatively easy to build multilingual applications by using language files and a few configuration tweaks. Below, I'll walk you through a basic setup for a multilanguage demo in Laravel 11. Creating a...

Reactjs onClick, onMouseOverCapture events working exmple
ReactjsReactjs Tutorial

Reactjs onClick, onMouseOverCapture events working exmple

In ReactJS, handling events such as click and mouseover is an important part of building interactive user interfaces. Here's a basic explanation of how you can implement these events in your React components. For reactjs new comers, please check the below link: Reactjs Basic Tutorials Click Events Click events are...

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