WordPress Ajax working example



Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, WordPress Ajax working example.

If you are new in WordPress then please check old post related to WordPress.

In this post, I am showing very simple WordPress Ajax working example but sometime this takes lot of time to find the solution.

Here is I am showing the working code snippet and please follow carefully:

1. Here is the code and you can add this code into any of your theme’s template file:

<!-- Button Click for fire ajax request -->
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" id="addProductUrl">Submit</button>

<!-- Ajax Request Code -->
  jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    $("#addProductUrl").click(function(event) {
      /* Act on the event */
      var formData = new FormData();
      formData.append('action', 'foobar');
      formData.append('id', '12345');
          url: '<?php echo admin_url('admin-ajax.php'); ?>',
         type: 'post',
         contentType: false,
         processData: false,
         data: formData,
         success: function (response) {
             //Get Ajax request response
         error: function (response) {



2. Here is the working code and you need to add into theme’s functions.php file:

add_action( 'wp_ajax_foobar', 'my_ajax_foobar_handler' );
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_foobar', 'my_ajax_foobar_handler'); 
function my_ajax_foobar_handler() {
    echo $_POST['id'];




This is it. If you have any query related to this post, then please do comment below or ask question.


Thank you


4 responses to “WordPress Ajax working example”

  1. Brad lupstic Avatar
    Brad lupstic

    Good working example

  2. Julien Pitt Avatar
    Julien Pitt

    Your code always help me a lot. Simple and easy
    Thank you

  3. Amanjeet Avatar

    Great, it helped

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