
Friday, July 26, 2024
WordpressWordpress Tricks

Get WordPress Post with Tag Id working example

Wordpress trick to check term id has parent term or child term

Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to Get WordPress Post with tag id working example.

I personally like WordPress very much and you can find many post related to WordPress Tricks, WordPress Hooks, WordPress.

Every day, I face new challenge in WordPress.

Today I am going to share to simple but tricky code to get WordPress Post with Tag Id:

1. Here is the working code and you can this into your WordPress theme’s template file:

$query = new WP_Query( array(
'post_type' => 'gd_place',
'tax_query' => array(
array (
'taxonomy' => 'gd_place_tags',
'field' => 'term_id', // term_id, slug or name or I can say tag id
'terms' => 187,
) );
while ( $query ->have_posts() ) :
$query ->the_post();



If you have any query related to this post, then please do comment below or ask questions.

Jassa Jatt,

Thank you

the authortherichpost
Hello to all. Welcome to Myself Ajay Malhotra and I am freelance full stack developer. I love coding. I know WordPress, Core php, Angularjs, Angular 14, Angular 15, Angular 16, Angular 17, Bootstrap 5, Nodejs, Laravel, Codeigniter, Shopify, Squarespace, jQuery, Google Map Api, Vuejs, Reactjs, Big commerce etc.

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