Laravel 7 – how to redirect authenticated users based on user type?

Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Laravel 7 – how to redirect authenticated users based on user type?

Post Working:

In this my laravel 7 application, I have used laravel default auth and I have added new column ‘ usertype’ into my users table and I am redirecting to login user based on usertype.

Here is the code snippet and please use in your laravel project app/Http/Controllers/Auth/LoginController.php

use Auth;

class LoginController extends Controller
protected function authenticated(Request $request)
      $usertype = Auth::user();
      if($usertype->usertype == "admin")
        $redirect = '/admin/dashboard/';
      if($usertype->usertype == "superadmin")
        $redirect = '/superadmin/dashboard/';
      return redirect($redirect);


This is it and if you have any kind of query related to this then please do comment below.


Thank you


2 responses to “Laravel 7 – how to redirect authenticated users based on user type?”

  1. Auniik Datta Avatar
    Auniik Datta

    protected function authenticated(Request $request)
    return redirect(
    ‘admin’ => ‘/admin/dashboard/’,
    ‘superadmin’ => ‘/superadmin/dashboard/’
    ][ auth()->user()->userType ]

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