Hello, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, How cluster speeds up the apps build in node js? Node Js is an open-source Javascript cross platform.
Now came to, what is cluster?
:- Cluster is the node js module, which is used
to speed up the applications.
Nodejs runs single threaded process,
means one request at one time but if
our server has many core(cpu) and then,
we can use Cluster node module and
cluster makes child process and send many
requested at one time to core(cpu)
and with this application loads become low.
If our application has many use then
sometime app crashes because of load time
or memory use but with the help of Cluster
module, we can get rid from this.
There are so many things in nodejs and I will let you know all. If you have any query then please comment.