Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, Angular 9 – Angular Smart Table Open Bootstrap 4 Modal Popup on button click.
If you want to understand this post, then you have to read my last two posts and here are the links:
After understands the above two posts, here is the complete code snippet for open bootstrap modal popup on custom button click in Angular Smart Table:
1. After done with above, you need to run below commands to set bootstrap environment into your angular 9 application:
npm install --save bootstrap npm install jquery --save npm install --save @types/jquery npm install popper.js --save
2. Now you need to add below code into your angular.json file:
... "styles": [ "src/styles.css", "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" ], "scripts": ["node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js", "node_modules/popper.js/dist/umd/popper.min.js", "node_modules/bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js" ] ...
3. Now you need to add below code into your app.component.html file:
In this file, I have bootstrap 4 modal popup html
<ng2-smart-table [settings]="settings" [source]="data" custom)="onCustomAction($event)"></ng2-smart-table> <!-- The Modal --> <div class="modal" id="myModal"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <h4 class="modal-title">Modal Heading</h4> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</button> </div> <!-- Modal body --> <div class="modal-body"> Modal body.. </div> <!-- Modal footer --> <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-danger" data-dismiss="modal">Close</button> </div> </div> </div> </div>
4. Here is the code you need to add into your app.component.ts file:
Here, you will find the click function ‘onCustomAction’ and with that click function modal popup will open.
declare let $: any; ... settings = { columns: { id: { title: 'ID' }, name: { title: 'Full Name' }, username: { title: 'User Name' }, email: { title: 'Email' } }, actions: { custom: [{ name: 'ourCustomAction', title: "View " }] } }; onCustomAction(event) { $("#myModal").modal("show"); } data = [ { id: 1, name: "test Graham", username: "Bret", email: "test@april.com" }, { id: 2, name: "test Howell", username: "test", email: "test@gmail.tv" }, { id: 11, name: "testDuBuque", username: "test.Stanton", email: "test@test.biz" } ]; ...
If you have any kind of query then please comment below.