Hello guy’s welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to tell you, Vue 3 Sweetalert2 Popup Working Example.
Guy’s Vue 3 came and if you are new in Vue3 then please check the below link:

Friends now I proceed onwards and here is the working code snippet and please use this carefully to avoid the mistakes:
1. Firstly friends we need fresh vuejs(Vue 3) setup and for that we need to run below commands into our terminal and also w should have latest node version installed on our system.
Also guy’s in this I am installing sweetalert2 popup for beautiful success messages:
npm install -g @vue/cli vue create vuedemo cd vuedemo npm install -S vue-sweetalert2 npm run serve //http://localhost:8080/
2. Finally guys we need to add below code into our src/App.vue file to get final output on web browser:
<template> <a v-on:click="doSomething">Click</a> </template> <script> import Swal from 'sweetalert2' export default { methods:{ doSomething() { Swal.fire({ title: 'OPPS', text: "wow", icon: 'warning', }); } } } </script>
Guy’s now we are done and if you have any kind of query then please comment below.