Story 3 Real story of beautiful lady ghost


In this post, I am once again coming with true horror story and this story more horrible than my last true horror stories.

This is the story of beautiful lady ghost, that always comes at 3 am in the morning.  Here i am telling my uncle true story.

It was hot summer season. In india, in summers, people used to sleep at outdoor or on the roofs. Same time, my uncle was sleeping outdoor and that was hot summer day and there are lot of mosquitoes also. My uncle was unable to sleep in this kind of atmosphere and he was just walking here and there and suddenly he saw back of beautiful dressed lady and he was thinking that lady was from his neighbour but when he saw her feets, that was turn around back side and then he shocked and he confirmed she is ghost and by god luck lady was going slowly to somewhere and she did not harm her.

My uncle told all story to his wife(my aunt) said she knew about her and she was newly married girl which was died early because of dowry but she don’t harm any one.

Now these days, she always comes to that place but did not harm anyone but this is very scary to see her in the dark night.

I will come with more true ghost stories and please also tell me, if you any ghost story and I will publish on my blog.