
Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I came with new topic and that is stories or I can say personal stories of mine and others but all are real stories.  Today I am going to share my personal horrible real story.

One day I was sleeping and my father was also sleeping in that room. Around 2 A.M, I heard some horrible noises or some one ghost is screaming and that was feeling real and very horrible and I was scared at that time.   After listened ghost screaming, I opened my eyes but I was unable to move my body. I was trying to call my father but I was helpless and that was very horrible to me. I felt that ghost was attacking and he was on my chest. This was the very scariest moment of my life. After next day, I shared this all thing to my friend and I also searched for this and someone told me, that was “Sleep Paralysis”.

I will never forget this thing and I am not sure that was dream or sleep paralysis or real ghost attack.

I asked many of my friends but no one has experienced like mine. I googled it also and heard so many thing about this kind of “Sleep Paralysis”. 

If anyone saw same dream like this, then please share and I will share more real stories like this.


By therichpost

Hello to all. Welcome to Myself Ajay Malhotra and I am freelance full stack developer. I love coding. I know WordPress, Core php, Angularjs, Angular 19, MedusaJs, Next.js, Bootstrap 5, Nodejs, Laravel, Codeigniter, Shopify, Squarespace, jQuery, Google Map Api, Vuejs, Reactjs, Big commerce etc.

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