Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. Today In this post, I will tell you, How to Implement Owl Carousel Slider in Angular 8?
I am very happy during sharing this post. I faced some error but no one will face any error with my code.
Slider are the main part of lading page and today we will implement Owl carousel Slider in Angular 8.
Here is the working picture:
Here is the complete working and tested code, you need to follow:
1. Very first, here are common basics steps to add angular 8 application on your machine:
$ npm install -g @angular/cli $ ng new angularowlslider // Set Angular8 Application on your pc cd angularowlslider // Go inside project folder ng serve // Run project http://localhost:4200/ //Check working Local server
2. Now run below command into your terminal to include owl carousel package into your angular 8 application:
npm i ngx-owl-carousel-o
3. Now, add below code into your angular.json file:
.... "styles": [ "node_modules/ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/styles/prebuilt-themes/owl.carousel.min.css", "node_modules/ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/styles/prebuilt-themes/owl.theme.default.min.css", "src/styles.css" ], ....
4. Now add below code into your app.module.ts file:
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { CarouselModule } from 'ngx-owl-carousel-o'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; import { Routes, RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ BrowserModule, CarouselModule, BrowserAnimationsModule, RouterModule.forRoot([]), ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
5. Now add below code into your app.component.ts file:
import { Component } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-root', templateUrl: './app.component.html', styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'] }) export class AppComponent { title = 'angularowlslider'; customOptions: any = { loop: true, mouseDrag: false, touchDrag: false, pullDrag: false, dots: false, navSpeed: 700, navText: ['', ''], responsive: { 0: { items: 1 }, 400: { items: 2 }, 740: { items: 3 }, 940: { items: 4 } }, nav: true } }
6. Finally add, below code into your app.component.html file:
<div style="text-align:center"> <h1> Welcome to {{ title }}! </h1> <div>Some tags before</div> <owl-carousel-o [options]="customOptions"> <ng-template carouselSlide><img src="https://jaxenter.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/angularjs_2_0-log-500x375.jpg"></ng-template> <ng-template carouselSlide><img src="https://jaxenter.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/angularjs_2_0-log-500x375.jpg"></ng-template> <ng-template carouselSlide><img src="https://jaxenter.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/angularjs_2_0-log-500x375.jpg"></ng-template> <ng-template carouselSlide><img src="https://jaxenter.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/angularjs_2_0-log-500x375.jpg"></ng-template> <ng-template carouselSlide><img src="https://jaxenter.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/angularjs_2_0-log-500x375.jpg"></ng-template> </owl-carousel-o> <div>Some tags after</div> </div>
This is it and don’t forget run ng serve command again. Please follow the code and you will not face any kind of error.
If you have any query related to this post then please do comment below or ask question.
Thank you,
how to make it dynamic
Hi Akash, you can make dynamic with Httpclient API requests.
how can i provide space between images?
you can do with css..
getting error error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context. in qwl carousel
are you using this in Angular 9?
Add “skipLibCheck”: true in tsconfig.json file to resolve it.
node_modules/ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/services/document-ref.service.d.ts:10:9 – error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
Let me update you.
Thanks you very much, this very helpful, works 100%, please did you have any best way to send a mail message from my angular 9 app
Hi, yes I have tutorial angular with laravel. angular with node. you can find via my blog search.
node_modules/ngx-owl-carousel-o/lib/services/document-ref.service.d.ts:10:9 – error TS1086: An accessor cannot be declared in an ambient context.
I think, you need to install latest:
ng update @angular/core @angular/cli
How can we make scrollable buttons into 4 you have shown only two(prev and next )but how can we make into 4
thank you for your useful component, but how can I increase number of item in same page?
for example I want to add 8 picture in same page but i can’t find this option, in your component.
You can and this is simple and here are the options:
responsive: {
0: {
items: 1
400: {
items: 2
740: {
items: 3
940: {
items: 4
hi and thank you for your response
it doesn’t work and still appeal to me with 3 picture.
I change the items to 6 but it doesn’t work
how can I solve this??
i need to insert a link along with image by http of api url