Drugs addiction in punjab youth



Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. Today I am going to share very serious problem in my state punjab and that is Drugs addiction in punjab youth.

I am sharing real story in this post. Like all days. On 3rd  july, I went outside from my office for a walk at lunch break. There is big tree(board) and water tap, where i usually go at my office lunch break. I saw a motorbike there but no one near the motorbike. I ignored and sit under the tree and talking with my wife. Suddenly I saw two young boys came and one boy had blood on his arm and his eyes was fully opened. I talked with myself that they were doing some wrong thing like they are taking some kind of drugs and this is very bad.

Again next day, on 4th july, again I saw different motorbike with same boys and then I got sure that, they take the drugs and I felt very bad because they are younger than me but today they did not come at my lunch break time.

But this is very bad thing, youth are spoiling their lives in drugs. Drugs should be ban. In punjab villages taking drugs is very major problem. Parents should also take care of their children.

I want drug free punjab.

Thank you.