Php Artisan Tinker Database Commands which makes life easy


Laravel 7.2 routing with route group auth guard check with prefix

Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Php Artisan Tinker Database Commands which makes life easy.

I was working with laravel from last one year but I never used tinker in laravel and today I used it and I felt relax because with the help of laravel tinker, I can get database records easily and fast and these all the reasons which makes laravel better php mvc framework.

I will share some useful laravel tinker database commands with you guys.

Here are some Php Artisan Tinker Database Commands which makes life easy:


1. Very first, you need to run below command set tinker environment:
php artisan tinker
2. Here is the php artisan tinker database command to get all data records from particular table:
>>> DB::table('users')->get();
3.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to get limit  of records from particular table:
>>> use App\User;

>>> User::limit(10)->get();



4.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to add new record in particular table:
>>> $user = new App\User;

>>> $user->name = "Hello laravel";

>>> $user->email = "";

>>> $user->password = Hash::make('password');

>>> $user->save();



5.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to delete record in particular table:
>>> $user = App\User::find(28);

>>> $user->delete();



6.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to count total record in particular table:
>>> App\User::count();



7.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to create dummy record in particular table:

This is very helpful and save lots of time:

>>> factory(App\User::class,10)->create();



8.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to check database connection status:
>>> DB::connection()->getPdo();



9.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to check database name:
>>> DB::connection()->getDatabaseName();
10.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to check database tables names:
 >>>DB::select('show tables');
11.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to delete particular table:
12.  Here is the php artisan tinker database command to generate  hash dummy password:
>>> echo Hash::make("password");  



If you have any query or you want more tinker commands then do comment below or ask question.

Thank you,

Save Birds,
