Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I am first time sharing my website traffic report. After three months my website successfully achieved 5000+ views and 1200+ unique visitors and I am very happy with response and I am very thankful you to all. I am working hard on my blog because I love to code and share that code and help others.
Here are my March 2018 month traffic report:
Making blog success is hard but not impossible. I want your response on my this post for encouragement. Every month I will share my website traffic report.
One response to “Monthly Blogging Google Analytics Report”
if(typeof schedule_shift_start1!=”undefined” && typeof schedule_shift_end1 !=”undefined”)
var settime = $(“#day”).val()+” “+schedule_shift_start.split(/(?=[a-z]{2})/).join(” “);
var gettime = new Date(settime).getHours() // 22
var settime2 = $(“#day”).val()+” “+schedule_shift_end.split(/(?=[a-z]{2})/).join(” “);
var gettime2 = new Date(settime2).getHours() // 22
var settime3 = $(“#day”).val()+” “+schedule_shift_start1.split(/(?=[a-z]{2})/).join(” “);
var gettime3 = new Date(settime3).getHours() // 22
var settime4 = $(“#day”).val()+” “+schedule_shift_end1.split(/(?=[a-z]{2})/).join(” “);
var gettime4 = new Date(settime4).getHours() // 22
if ((gettime3 > gettime && gettime3 gettime && gettime4 < gettime2) ) {
return false;
} else {
//return true;