Migrationpro Prestashop Upgrade And Migration


Migrationpro Prestashop Upgrade And Migration

Hello guys how are you? Welcome back to my blog. Today I am going to share very important regrading Migrationpro Prestashop Upgrade And Migration.

Guys I was working with Prestashop 1.7 but after upgrading to Prestashop 8 I was having issue with database users, orders data so I have used Migrationpro Prestashop Upgrade And Migration module and all my old database went back to new database.

The first PrestaShop migration module to migrate or upgrade PrestaShop 1.7, 1.6, 1.5, 1.4, 1.3 to PrestaShop 8 or migrate data between PrestaShop websites (any version) within seconds! #1 PrestaShop MigrationPro module!

Guys I am full time freelancer and if you have any query related prestashop then feel free to ask or you can hire me as full time freelancer.

Guys I hope this trick will help you and please share your view on this. And if you will have any kind of query then feel free to comment below.