Hello guy’s welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to tell you, JavaScript 21 String Methods Cheat Sheet 2021.

1 .length – Finding the length of the string:
var str = 'this string has 29 characters'; console.log(str.length); //29
2 .trim() – Removing white space:
var str = ' this string has 29 characters'; console.log(str.trim()); //this string has 29 characters
3 .includes() – Check if string contains substring:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; var str2 = 'Jassa'; var str3 = 'Ajay'; console.log(str.includes(str2)); //true console.log(str.includes(str3)); //false
4 .indexOf() — Find the index of a substring:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; var str2 = 'Jassa'; var str3 = 'Ajay'; console.log(str.indexOf(str2)); //0 console.log(str.indexOf(str3)); //-1
5 .toUpperCase() — Capitalizes entire string:
var str = 'jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.toUpperCase()); //JASSA THERICHPOST
6 .toLowerCase() — Lower cases entire string:
var str = 'JaSsa therichPost'; console.log(str.toLowerCase()); //jassa therichpost
7 .replace() — Replaces strings with new values:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; var str1 = 'Jassa'; var str2 = 'Ajay'; console.log(str.replace(str1, str2)); //Ajay therichpost
8 .slice() — Return a section of a string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.slice(2)); //ssa therichpost
9 .split() — Converts string into an array of strings:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.split(" ")); //["Jassa", "therichpost]
10 .repeat() — Repeats a string a specified number of times:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost. '; console.log(str.repeat(2)); //Jassa therichpost. Jassa therichpost.
11 .match() — Returns array of matching strings:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; var str1 = 'Jassa'; console.log(str.match(str1)); //["Jassa"]
12 .charAt() — Returns the character at an index:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.charAt(2)); //s
13 .charCodeAt() —Return the unicode at an index:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.charCodeAt(2)); //115
14 .concat() – Adding the two strings:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; var str1 = 'Ajay'; console.log(str.concat(str1)); //Jassa therichpost Ajay
15 .search() – Find the string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; var str1 = 'Jassa'; console.log(str.search(str1)); //0 means true //if it will -1 then string not there
16 .substring() – Extracts the characters from a string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; console.log(str.substring(8, 11)); //eri
17 .substr()- Extracts parts of a string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; console.log(str.substr(8, 11)); //erichpost
18 .valueOf() – Return the primitive value of the string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; console.log(str.valueOf()); //Jassa therichpost
19 .startsWith() – Check if a string starts with:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost '; console.log(str.startsWith('Jassa')); //true
20 .endsWith() – Check if a sting ends with:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.endsWith('therichpost')); //true
21 .lastIndexOf() – returns the position of the last occurrence of a specified value in a string:
var str = 'Jassa therichpost'; console.log(str.lastIndexOf('therichpost')); //6
This is it guy’s. I will come with more post which will helpful to all. If you have any kind of query then please comment below.