Hello, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, How to Change alert message text for variation in Woocommerce? WordPress is the best cms and Woocommerce is the best Ecommerce plugin. WordPress hooks(add_action, add_filter) give us the power to edit or change the code without interruption into the files and this is the best thing about wordpress.
Here is the working code to Change alert message text for variation in Woocommerce and you need to add this into your theme’s functions.php file:
add_filter( 'gettext', 'customizing_variable_product_message', 97, 3 ); function customizing_variable_product_message( $translated_text, $untranslated_text, $domain ) { if ($untranslated_text == 'Please select some product options before adding this product to your cart.') { $translated_text = __( 'Here goes your custom text', $domain ); } return $translated_text; }
  There are so many codes in woocommerce and i will let you know all. Please do comment if you any query   related to  this post. Thank you. Therichpost.com
hello. nice to see that. I was trying to display this error message different on different products according to the options. kindly can you please tell me how?
What kind of options? can you please show the code?
worked like a charm!! thank you. Now can we also change that default browser pop up and can i design it on my own via elementor?
Yes we can..
HI Ajay,
Thanks for posting that code above, I wanted to change that as well.
Do you have code to change the WooCommerce Checkout required fields error message that says:
“Required form fields are not filled or invalid”?
I would like to add some additional text in there to tell visitors: “Did you check the box to agree to our terms and conditions?”
I feel that a lot of people may miss seeing that little check box down at the bottom and it’s probably good to point that out for them. 🙂
Many thanks!
Yes I can do.
Hello Ajay,
I have added your code in the bottom of my theme’s functions.php file but it not work for me could you please help. I’ve already tried to chenge alert message from Appearance > Customize > Custom > Edit Global Javascript
if ($(‘#pa_size’).val() == “”) {
alert(“Please select size”);
return false;
but still not work for me. I wanted to change my alert message. I really appreciate your help.
Thank You
Okay thanks for posting this. I will check and update.