Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, The best things about WordPress that every developer should know. WordPress is the best cms.
WordPress has 25.7% of all sites across the web.
I am using wordpress form last 3 years and there are so many best things about the wordpress and I also did not know about them but today I am going to share some good things about wordpress and every developer should know about them.
Here are The best things about WordPress that every developer should know:
1. Some time we update the post or page with wrong content or by mistaken we update our post or page and we think we lost our last updated data but no to worry about this, we can re-get that data with WordPress Revisions feature.
2. Some time we are writing content for page and post but suddenly light gone or laptop goes hang or any other mishappening with pc or laptop then we think we lost that post or page but not to worry that will save in wordpress draft.
There are so many tricks in wordpress and I will let you know all. Please do comment if you any query related to this post. Thank you. Therichpost.com
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