Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, Angular 8/9/10 HighCharts Working Example.

Here is the working code snippet and please use carefully:
1. Here are the basics commands, you need to use into your terminal or command prompt to install Angular 10 fresh set up:
npm install -g @angular/cli //Setup Angular10 atmosphere ng new angularchart //Install New Angular App /**You need to update your Nodejs also for this verison**/ cd angularchart //Go inside the Angular 10 Project
2. After Install Angular 10 fresh setup and go inside the Angular 10 setup, run below command into your terminal to install HighCharts:
npm i --save angular-highcharts highcharts
3. Now add below code into your app.module.ts file:
import { ChartModule } from 'angular-highcharts'; @NgModule({ imports: [ ... ChartModule // add ChartModule to your imports ] })
4. Now add below code into your app.component.ts file:
import { Chart } from 'angular-highcharts'; export class AppComponent { ... chart = new Chart({ chart: { type: 'bar' }, title: { text: 'Bar Chart' }, credits: { enabled: false }, series: [ { name: 'Bar 1', data: [1, 2, 3, 4, 3.5] } ] }); }
5. Now add below code into your app.component.html file:
<div [chart]="chart"></div>
This is it and run ng serve command in the end. If you have any query then please do comment below.
Hi how to connect this with a table in mysql?
Working on it and update you sooner.
Thank you very much!!!