Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, WordPress trick to check term id has parent term or child term.
Post Working:
In this post, on archive page, with my code, I am checking woocommerce category has parent category or child category.
Here is the working code and you need add this into your theme’s archive.php page:
<?php $obj = get_queried_object(); $term_id = $obj->term_id; $child_term = get_term( $term_id, 'product_cat' ); $parent_term = get_term( $child_term->parent, 'product_cat' ); if($parent_term->term_id){ // Parent category code } if($child_term->term_id){ // Child category code } ?>
If you have any query related to this post then please let me know.
Thank you
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