WordPress cheat code to update User Password mysql query

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Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, WordPress cheat code to update User Password mysql query.

To get more WordPress Cheat Codes, please chick: WordPress Cheat Codes.

In this post, I am sharing, WordPress cheat code to update User Password mysql query
and I think, this will be useful to all.

Here is the code for, WordPress cheat code to update User Password mysql query and please use this carefully:

$passhash = md5("password");
global $wpdb;
$a = $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix.'users', array( 'user_pass' => $passhash ), array( 'ID' => get_current_user_id() ) );
if($a == 1){
  echo "Done";
  }else{echo "err";}


This is done and if you have any query then please do comment below.

Jassa Jatt,

Thank you.