
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Laravel 6Php

Laravel 6 auth working example

Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Laravel 6 auth working example.

Laravel 6 has been launched recently and Laravel 6 has many good features and in this post, I will share laravel 6 auth feature.

Laravel is the best PHP MVC framework.

Here are the commands and code for Laravel 6 auth and please use this carefully.

1. Here are the basic commands to set laravel 6 working environment:

First don’t forget to install nodejs latest version and then below commands into your terminal(GIT BASH) or command command prompt:
composer global require laravel/installer

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel laravel6auth

cd laravel6auth

2. After run the above commands, run below command provides a quick way to scaffold all of the routes and views you need for authentication using a few simple commands:

composer require laravel/ui --dev

3. After above command below command should be used on fresh applications and will install a layout view, registration and login views, as well as routes for all authentication end-points:

php artisan ui vue --auth

4. Now these two commands will be use to styling view layouts like login form, registration etc:

npm install

npm run dev

5. Now run below command and you will see below two images kind of screens:

php artisan serve

6. After above please check below post link to set laravel database with laravel migrate command:

laravel migrate

If you have any query related to this post, then please do comment below.

jassa Jatt

Thank you.

the authortherichpost
Hello to all. Welcome to Myself Ajay Malhotra and I am freelance full stack developer. I love coding. I know WordPress, Core php, Angularjs, Angular 19, MedusaJs, Next.js, Bootstrap 5, Nodejs, Laravel, Codeigniter, Shopify, Squarespace, jQuery, Google Map Api, Vuejs, Reactjs, Big commerce etc.

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