Hello guys how are you? Welcome back to my blog. Today in this blog post, I am going to tell you How to make custom JavaScript advance search?
For More JavaScript’s tutorials.
Guys here is the code snippet and please use carefully:
1. Guys here is the code snippet and you can add into your html file:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <link href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap@5.1.3/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet"> <style> </style> <body> <div class="container py-5"> <form class="row g-3 mb-5"> <div class="col-auto"> <input name="title" class="form-control" id="title" placeholder="search by title" /> </div> <div class="col-auto"> <input name="actors" class="form-control" id="actors" placeholder="search by actor" /> </div> <div class="col-auto"> <input name="genre" class="form-control" id="genre" placeholder="search by genre" /> </div> <div class="col-auto"> <input type="button" id="search" type="button" class="btn btn-primary" value="search" /> </div> </form> <table class="table"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">Title</th> <th scope="col">Actors</th> <th scope="col">Genre</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="output"> <tr> <td>foo</td> <td>jack,jill</td> <td>comedy</td> </tr> <tr> <td>bar</td> <td>jack,jane</td> <td>drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td>baz</td> <td>josh,jane</td> <td>drama</td> </tr> <tr> <td>box</td> <td>jed,regena</td> <td>drama</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </body> <script> const movies = [ { title: 'foo', actors: ['jack', 'jill'], genre: 'comedy' }, { title: 'bar', actors: ['jack', 'jane'], genre: 'drama' }, { title: 'baz', actors: ['josh', 'jane'], genre: 'drama' }, { title: 'box', actors: ['jed', 'regena'], genre: 'drama' } ] //filter function const filterBy = (prop, value) => movies => value === '' ? movies : movies.filter(movie => Array.isArray(movie[prop]) ? movie[prop].some(x => x === value) : movie[prop] === value ) //set output html const moviesToListItems = movies => movies.map(movie => ( `<tr> <td>${movie.title}</td> <td>${movie.actors.join()}</td> <td>${movie.genre}</td></tr> ` )).join('') //input box filters const filterMovies = ({ title, actors, genre }) => movies => [movies] .map(filterBy('title', title)) .map(filterBy('genre', genre)) .map(filterBy('actors', actors)) .map(moviesToListItems) .pop() //get elements const el = selector => document.querySelector(selector) const search = el('#search') const output = el('#output') //assign output const searchMovies = movies => e => { output.innerHTML = filterMovies({ title: el('#title').value, actors: el('#actors').value, genre: el('#genre').value })(movies) } //search click event search.addEventListener('click', searchMovies(movies)) </script> </html>
Note: Friends, In this post, I just tell the basic setup and things, you can change the code according to your requirements.
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