Avoid vendors to purchase their own product in WooCommerce

Avoid vendors to purchase their own product in WooCommerce

Hello guys how are you? Welcome back to my channel. Today in this post I am going to show you Avoid vendors to purchase their own product in WooCommerce.

Guys I have used both latest versions WordPress 6.3 and WooCommerce 8.1.

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Guys if you are new in WordPress or in WooCommerce then please check the below links for some good tutorials:

  1. WooCommerce Hooks
  2. WordPress Tricks
  3. WordPress Hooks
Avoid vendors to purchase their own product in WooCommerce
Avoid vendors to purchase their own product in WooCommerce

Guys here is the working code snippet and please use it carefully:

1. Guys here is the code snippet and you need to add your theme’s functions.php file:

guys also I will make it with ajax and share that as well

add_filter('woocommerce_is_purchasable', 'filter_woocommerce_is_purchasable', 10, 2 );
function filter_woocommerce_is_purchasable( $purchasable, $product ) {
    $seller_id = get_post_field('post_author', $product->get_id());

    if( get_current_user_id() == $seller_id ) {
        $purchasable = false;

    return $purchasable;

This is it guys and if you will have any kind of query, suggestion or requirement then feel free to comment below.


Developer’s King
