Author: therichpost

  • How to Add new country to WooCommerce countries list?

    Hello, welcome to In this post, I will tell you , How to Add new country to WooCommerce countries list? WordPress is the best cms and Woocommerce is the best Ecommerce plugin. WordPress hooks(add_action, add_filter) give us the power to edit or change the code without interruption into the files and this is the…

  • How to disable automatic updates in wordpress?

    Welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to disable automatic updates in wordpress? Like I always say WordPress is the best cms. Here is working code to stop automatic updates in wordpress and you need to add this into wp-config.php file: //To disable automatic updates for major releases or development purposes, the…

    How to add custom meta title and meta description in Wordpress?
  • How to get wordpress theme information?

    Welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to get wordpress theme information? Like I always say WordPress is the best cms. Here is the working and tested for How to get wordpress theme information: <?php $theme_data = wp_get_theme(); echo $theme_data->get( ‘Name’ ); echo $theme_data->get( ‘ThemeURI’ ); echo $theme_data->get( ‘Description’ ); echo $theme_data->get(…

    How to add custom meta title and meta description in Wordpress?
  • How to Add custom attribute to wordpress the_post_thumbnail?

    Welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to Add custom attribute to wordpress the_post_thumbnail? Like I always say WordPress is the best cms. Here is the working and tested code and you need to add this with your the_post_thumbnail: the_post_thumbnail( ‘thumbnail’, array(‘itemprop’=>’image’) );  There are so many tricks in wordpress and i…

    How to add custom meta title and meta description in Wordpress?
  • WooCommerce hook Displaying custom text in single product page summary

    Hello, welcome to In this post, I will tell you , WooCommerce hook Displaying custom text in single product page summary.  WordPress is the best cms and Woocommerce is the best Ecommerce plugin. WordPress hooks(add_action, add_filter) give us the power to edit or change the code without interruption into the files and this is…

  • How to Split Laravel Routes into Multiple Files?

    Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to Split Laravel Routes into Multiple Files? Laravel is one of the top php mvc framework and growing very faster. First, we need to check route files  defined in app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php. In that file, there are two functions called mapWebRoutes() and mapApiRoutes(). Those…

    Laravel 7.2 routing with route group auth guard check with prefix
  • Woocommerce hook to hide place order button for a specific shipping class

    Hello, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Woocommerce hook to hide place order button for a specific shipping class. WordPress is the best cms and Woocommerce is the best Ecommerce plugin. WordPress hooks(add_action, add_filter) give us the power to edit or change the code without interruption into the files and this…

  • How to get WP_query posts according acf field values?

    Welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to get WP_query posts according acf field values? Like I always say WordPress is the best cms. Here is working and tested wp_query posts according to acf fields value and you can add this code any your theme’s template file: <?php $args = array(…

    How to add custom meta title and meta description in Wordpress?
  • Laravel Route with variable

    Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Laravel Route with variable. Like I always say that laravel is the best Mvc php framework. Here is the working route code and you can set variable in laravel routes and use it anywhere: //web.php code: Route::get(‘/test/{id?}’, function ($id = 1) {…

    Laravel 7.2 routing with route group auth guard check with prefix
  • How to Show only featured products in Woocommerce shop page?

    Hello, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, How to Show only featured products in Woocommerce shop page?  WordPress is the best cms and Woocommerce is the best Ecommerce plugin. WordPress hooks(add_action, add_filter) give us the power to edit or change the code without interruption into the files and this is the…
