Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. Today this blog post I will tell you, Angular 14 Bootstrap 5 Responsive Admin Dashboard Template 15.
Key Features:
- Angular 14
- Bootstrap 5
- Admin Dashboard with all pages
- Mini cart
- Cross-Browser Compatible
- Contact Form UI
- Burger Menu
- Fully responsive will support all the devices
- SweetAlert2 PoPUP
1. Here is zip file from where you will get angular admin dashboard:
2. Guys after download zip file please run below commands:
npm install ng serve

Now we are done friends. If you have any kind of query, suggestion and new requirement then feel free to comment below.
Note: Friends, In this post, I just tell the basic setup and things, you can change the code according to your requirements.
I will appreciate that if you will tell your views for this post. Nothing matters if your views will be good or bad because with your views, I will make my next posts more good and helpful.
Jassa the developer’s king