Angular 10 ag-Grid Show Hide Columns

Angular 9, Angular 10

Hello to all, welcome to In this post, I will tell you, Angular 10 ag-Grid Show Hide Columns.

Post Working:

In post, I am showing you, how to show hide columns in ag-grid on button click in angular 10 application.

Angular 10 came. If you are new in Angular 10, then please check below links:

Angular 10 Basics Tutorials

Angular 10 for Beginners

Here are the more posts related to ag-Grid:

  1. ag-Grid add new row
  2. ag-Grid delete row
  3. ag-Grid show hide columns
  4. ag-Grid open modal popup on row click

Working demo video that I have made few months ago.

Here are also some posts related to Angular ag-Grid:

Add ag-Grid in Angular application

Open Modal PopUp row click event on ag-Grid in Angular application

Now below is the code snippet for add new row ag-Grid:

1. Very first, you need to implement below tutorial link steps for adding ag-Grid into your angular 10 application:

Implement ag-Grid into Angular 10

2. Add below code into your app.component.ts file:

import { AgGridAngular } from "ag-grid-angular";

export class AppComponent {


  @ViewChild('agGrid') agGrid: AgGridAngular;
	  this.agGrid.columnApi.setColumnsVisible(['model'], false);
	  this.agGrid.columnApi.setColumnsVisible(['model'], true);


3. Now add below code into your app.component.html file:

<button class="btn btn-success mr-2 mb-2"  (click)="ShowModel()">Show Model</button>
<button class="btn btn-warning mr-2 mb-2" (click)="HideModel()">Hide Model</button>
    style="height: 300px;" 

This is it and if you have any kind of query then please comment below.

Note: First, you have to implement this and after this you can get this post working easily:




9 responses to “Angular 10 ag-Grid Show Hide Columns”

  1. Ismal Avatar

    sir when camera video submitted to mysql video available

  2. AhmedBila Avatar

    Is this ur full time job or just hobby? or both? regards boss!

  3. Ajay Malhotra Avatar

    This is my passion.

  4. Ismal Avatar

    this week?

  5. Jegan Saminathan Avatar
    Jegan Saminathan

    Hi Ajay,

    I have a custom header components to delete a column. So we can achive on that. Ie from child to parent communication. Also I dont see the complete code of your video.


  6. Ajay Malhotra Avatar

    Can you make your requirement bit more clear?

  7. kalanthar Avatar

    can we use it on low version of angular