What is Actual Unit Testing?



Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. In this post, I will tell you, What is Actual Unit Testing? 

Checking the code itself by developer.

This could be very important post for every developer(Frontend and Backend). The code develop by every developer and should be tested in the end of code is called Unit Testing or I can say in simple words, every developer should test his/her code in the end of day or in the end of code before integration in full module.

Unit testing is very important for every developer and Unit testing has many advantages:

  :- It saves the developer time after integration code in full module.

 :- Error happening possibilities will be very low in future.

 :- Code becomes good and everyone appreciate. 

 :- Makes client and developer happy and good relationship.

Unit testing can improve the developer code error free. Unit testing can make code for the application error free and easy to integration in live module. Unit testing should be accepted by every developer including me.