Hello to all, welcome to therichpost.com. Today I am sharing, My Journey with Angular.
My Journey with Angular is very interesting. I started Angular by chance and here is the full story:
In 2015, I heard about Angular and I think, this is some kind of jQuery because I was not aware of it. At that time, I was working in good it company and one of my friend called and said, his company needed Angularjs developer.
Because of my good hand in jQuery, I said yes. It took me around 2 hours to litle understand the folder structure and code structure of Angularjs. After, this I selected in that company and I did work around one year in that company.
After left that company, In which, I started Angularjs, I joined other good company and 6 months after, I heard about Angular 2 and I thought, Angular 2 will be similar to Angularjs but I was wrong. Both were totally different.
But my strong willing power, I also learnt Angular 2 and after some, I also gone through with angular 4 and Now I am also working Angular 6. I want to say, language versions are only numbers.
One thing, I must say, If you want to do something then you should give 100% because with passion and hard work, we can learn anything. If we have good technical skills then we can learn any language because logic are same in every language like(Arrays, Lopings, Databases).
I want to say something about my working knowledge and working areas.
I work in, WordPress, Laravel, Angular 6, Reactjs, jQuery etc. By my point of view, All the languages, Frameworks, CMS just different way to one thing called coding.
And I am running this blog to share my knowledge to help others.
Good content for encourage.
Inspiring bro
Thank you Khahte 🙂
Thank you bro 🙂