Hello guys how are you? Welcome back on my blog Therichpost. Today in this post I am going to Creating a Zara-like e-commerce website using MedusaJS.
If you are new then you must check below two links:
Now guys here is the complete code snippet and please follow carefully:
Creating a Zara-like e-commerce website using MedusaJS involves several steps. MedusaJS is an open-source headless commerce engine that allows developers to build flexible and scalable e-commerce platforms. Here’s a structured guide to build your project:
Step 1: Set Up Medusa Backend
- Install Medusa CLI:
npm install -g @medusajs/medusa-cli
- Create a New Medusa Project:
medusa new my-ecommerce-store cd my-ecommerce-store
- Install Dependencies:
Navigate to the project directory and install all dependencies.
npm install
- Run the Server:
medusa develop
The default Medusa server runs on http://localhost:9000
Step 2: Configure the Database
Medusa uses SQLite by default. For a production-grade setup, use PostgreSQL.
- Update the database configuration in
module.exports = { projectConfig: { database_type: "postgres", database_url: "postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb", }, };
- Install PostgreSQL:
npm install pg
Step 3: Add a Frontend
For a Zara-like frontend, you can use Next.js with Medusa’s REST or GraphQL APIs.
- Initialize a Next.js Project:
npx create-next-app@latest my-ecommerce-frontend cd my-ecommerce-frontend
- Install Medusa Client:
npm install @medusajs/medusa-js @medusajs/medusa-react
- Set Up API Configuration:
Create a context file to connect your frontend to the Medusa backend. Add amedusa.ts
import { MedusaProvider } from "medusa-react"; import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "react-query"; const queryClient = new QueryClient(); function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}> <MedusaProvider baseUrl="http://localhost:9000"> <Component {...pageProps} /> </MedusaProvider> </QueryClientProvider> ); } export default MyApp;
- Build Product Pages:
Fetch products from the Medusa API and render them in a grid layout:
import { useProducts } from "medusa-react"; export default function Home() { const { products, isLoading } = useProducts(); if (isLoading) return <p>Loading...</p>; return ( <div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4"> {products?.map((product) => ( <div key={product.id}> <img src={product.thumbnail} alt={product.title} /> <h3>{product.title}</h3> <p>{product.variants[0]?.prices[0]?.amount / 100} USD</p> </div> ))} </div> ); }
Step 4: Customize the UI
- Install Tailwind CSS:
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer npx tailwindcss init
- Add Zara-Like Styling:
and create styles resembling Zara’s minimalist design. - Enhance Product Pages:
- Add a Product Detail Page.
- Include filters for categories, sizes, and prices.
- Implement a cart and checkout flow.
Step 5: Deploy Your Application
- Deploy the Medusa Backend:
Use services like Heroku, DigitalOcean, or AWS. - Deploy the Frontend:
Use platforms like Vercel or Netlify.
Step 6: Additional Features
- User Authentication: Add support for user accounts.
- Payment Gateway Integration: Use Medusa plugins for Stripe or other payment methods.
- Search Functionality: Use a service like Algolia.
- Multi-language Support: Localize your store for international audiences.
Let me know if you need help with any specific part!
Guys, you can design the UI of your MedusaJS-based e-commerce site to look like Zara’s minimalist and sleek design using a frontend framework like Next.js with Tailwind CSS or custom CSS.
Here’s how you can emulate Zara’s aesthetic:
Key UI Elements of Zara
- Minimalist Design:
- Use lots of white space.
- Focus on clean lines and grids.
- Stick to a neutral color palette (white, black, gray).
- Typography:
- Use bold, sans-serif fonts (e.g.,
, or Google Fonts likePoppins
). - Large headings with small, concise body text.
- Grid-Based Layouts:
- Showcase products in uniform, symmetrical grids.
- Use hover effects for product images (e.g., zoom-in or change image on hover).
- Large Imagery:
- High-quality images dominate the screen.
- Full-width banners for promotions or new arrivals.
- Responsive Design:
- Mobile-first approach.
- Easy navigation with a hamburger menu for mobile.
- Subtle Animations:
- Smooth transitions on hover or when switching pages.
- Minimal but elegant effects.
Steps to Build the Zara-Like UI
1. Set Up Tailwind CSS for Minimalist Styling
Configure Tailwind CSS in your Next.js project and create a simple, clean design.
module.exports = { content: ['./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}', './components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}'], theme: { extend: { fontFamily: { sans: ['Inter', 'sans-serif'], // Use a sleek font }, colors: { gray: { 100: '#f7f7f7', 200: '#eaeaea', 800: '#333333', }, }, }, }, plugins: [], };
2. Homepage Layout
- Use a full-width banner for the hero section.
- Showcase categories or collections.
- Display a grid of products.
Example: pages/index.js
export default function Home() { return ( <div className="bg-white text-gray-800"> {/* Hero Banner */} <section className="relative"> <img src="/hero-image.jpg" alt="Hero" className="w-full h-[500px] object-cover" /> <div className="absolute inset-0 flex items-center justify-center text-white"> <h1 className="text-4xl font-bold">New Arrivals</h1> </div> </section> {/* Categories Section */} <section className="py-16 px-6"> <h2 className="text-center text-3xl font-semibold mb-8">Shop by Category</h2> <div className="grid grid-cols-3 gap-4"> {['Men', 'Women', 'Kids'].map((category) => ( <div key={category} className="relative group"> <img src={`/${category.toLowerCase()}.jpg`} alt={category} className="w-full h-80 object-cover" /> <div className="absolute inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-30 opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 flex items-center justify-center transition"> <h3 className="text-white text-xl font-semibold">{category}</h3> </div> </div> ))} </div> </section> {/* Product Grid */} <section className="px-6"> <h2 className="text-center text-3xl font-semibold mb-8">Trending Now</h2> <div className="grid grid-cols-4 gap-6"> {[...Array(8)].map((_, i) => ( <div key={i} className="group"> <img src="/placeholder.jpg" alt="Product" className="w-full h-80 object-cover" /> <h3 className="mt-2 text-lg font-medium">Product Name</h3> <p className="text-gray-500">$49.99</p> </div> ))} </div> </section> </div> ); }
3. Navigation Bar
Zara has a simple navbar with:
- Logo in the center.
- Links (e.g., Men, Women, Kids).
- Hamburger menu for mobile.
Example Navbar:
export default function Navbar() { return ( <nav className="fixed top-0 left-0 w-full bg-white shadow-md z-50"> <div className="max-w-6xl mx-auto flex justify-between items-center p-4"> <div className="text-lg font-semibold">Zara-Like</div> <div className="hidden md:flex space-x-6"> <a href="#" className="text-gray-700 hover:underline">Men</a> <a href="#" className="text-gray-700 hover:underline">Women</a> <a href="#" className="text-gray-700 hover:underline">Kids</a> </div> <button className="md:hidden"> <svg className="w-6 h-6" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" viewBox="0 0 24 24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" > <path strokeLinecap="round" strokeLinejoin="round" strokeWidth="2" d="M4 6h16M4 12h16m-7 6h7" ></path> </svg> </button> </div> </nav> ); }
4. Product Page
The product page should include:
- A large product image.
- Details such as title, price, and description.
- Size and quantity selectors.
export default function ProductPage() { return ( <div className="max-w-6xl mx-auto py-16 px-6"> <div className="grid grid-cols-2 gap-8"> <img src="/placeholder.jpg" alt="Product" className="w-full h-auto" /> <div> <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold">Product Name</h1> <p className="text-lg text-gray-600 mt-4">$49.99</p> <p className="text-sm text-gray-500 mt-4"> A detailed product description goes here. Include material, fit, and other specifics. </p> <button className="mt-6 bg-black text-white py-2 px-4"> Add to Cart </button> </div> </div> </div> ); }
Deploy and Iterate
Once your Zara-like design is ready:
- Test the responsiveness.
- Deploy the site (e.g., on Vercel).
- Continuously tweak the design for better user experience.
Let me know if you face any issues during the setup! Please contact me I am full time freelancer.